Take it up with the CEO

In case you weren’t aware, Chick-fil-A, a fast food chain in America, had been channeling donations to organisations which staunchly opposed same sex marriage. The CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan T Cathy, publicly stated, and I’m paraphrasing here, that marriage should be between a man and a woman, because that’s what the bible says, and that […]

Another reason not to hit a woman

I was told constantly while I was growing up that you should never hit a woman. Quite frankly I don’t see a lot of reason to go hitting anyone but that’s beside the point. The rule is ‘never hit a woman’ and the reasons given for this rule are usually things like men are stronger […]

Admit when you’re wrong

If you’re in the middle of a disagreement and you realise that you’re wrong, just admit. ‘Winning’ an argument won’t get you anywhere if you’re wrong anyway, you’ll just come across as a jackass.