Control your kids

If you don’t control your kids, they’re going to piss people off. When they piss people off, they’re going to get told off by other people. Don’t blame the people who are forced to tell your kids off, they’re only doing it because you didn’t live up to your responsibilities. Massive douche tip: If your […]

Do not knowingly spread STDs

I struggle to understand that there are people who need to be told not to knowingly spread STDs, but apparently that’s the world we live in. It’s bad enough to spread STDs without knowing it but to do it when you know ahead of time that you’re infected? If you do this, you are a […]

How not to rape

Sarah Silverman is friggin hilarious, and damned smart, and I guess that’s how she figured out a great way to comment on the rape debate in a way that points out the douchebaggery involved in the male side of things. She did so by posting this: It reads: Don’t put drugs in women’s drinks. When […]