Take it up with the CEO

In case you weren’t aware, Chick-fil-A, a fast food chain in America, had been channeling donations to organisations which staunchly opposed same sex marriage. The CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan T Cathy, publicly stated, and I’m paraphrasing here, that marriage should be between a man and a woman, because that’s what the bible says, and that […]

Another reason not to hit a woman

I was told constantly while I was growing up that you should never hit a woman. Quite frankly I don’t see a lot of reason to go hitting anyone but that’s beside the point. The rule is ‘never hit a woman’ and the reasons given for this rule are usually things like men are stronger […]

Do not knowingly spread STDs

I struggle to understand that there are people who need to be told not to knowingly spread STDs, but apparently that’s the world we live in. It’s bad enough to spread STDs without knowing it but to do it when you know ahead of time that you’re infected? If you do this, you are a […]

Do not spit at people

Don’t spit at people. Definitely don’t spit at people and try to walk away like you think you’re some kind of boss. Absolutely don’t spit at people, try to walk away like you’re some kind of boss and then fall into a big pool of vomit, or you’ll really come across as a massive douche. […]

Reduce your resemblance to apes

I mentioned in a previous post that there are major similarities between humans and other primates, like apes and chimps, when it comes to posturing before, during, and after getting into fights. When I stumbled onto the following video, I was quickly reminded of the comparison. http://youtu.be/tONRyyj2flo Dude, if you’re drunk in the middle of […]

Do not terrify your girlfriend for your own amusement

This video has taken on a life of its own on the internet in the past few days. There’s good reason for it, too because this is an example of possibly the most douchey thing I’ve seen a human being do for quite a while. Check it out: http://youtu.be/kAPT72Mzt2c I was a young bloke once. […]

Treat your friends like friends

I love a good practical joke but there’s been a trend on youtube in recent times to act like a massive douche to complete strangers, make fun of the strangers’ normal and natural response to an absurd and often frightening situation, and then try to make money by posting the video of the incident. Like […]

On the other hand, don’t start shit

Starting a fight is almost always a douche manoeuvre. Don’t do it. Especially don’t do it when the fight isn’t going to be fair. If you enjoy being violent there are many different ways to vent that out in acceptable arenas such us by playing a full contact sport, or y’know, taking up boxing or […]