On the other hand, don’t start shit

Starting a fight is almost always a douche manoeuvre. Don’t do it. Especially don’t do it when the fight isn’t going to be fair. If you enjoy being violent there are many different ways to vent that out in acceptable arenas such us by playing a full contact sport, or y’know, taking up boxing or […]

Don’t murder people who aren’t attracted to you

If you can’t get laid, don’t put the blame for that on everyone else, that’s some psycho bullshit. If you really want to get laid and what you’ve been trying your whole life has proved to be unhelpful, you might want to consider trying something else. And by something else, I don’t me murder, ya […]

One way to absolutely certainly convince everyone you’re a massive douche is to become the prime minister of a modern first world country, deliver a budget that stomps on the poorest people in that country, and then smirk and wink as your citizens question you about the fact that they will no longer have the […]