Martin Shkreli

If you haven’t heard of Martin Shkreli, you’re about to feel a bit worse about the world. I could ramble on about it, but I’ll let the videos do the explaining instead. Why people hate Martin Shkreli   To sum it up, Martin Shkreli is trying to convince us all that it’s totally fine to […]

Don’t be a bad winner

A quick and easy way to make sure everyone thinks you’re a massive douche is to be a bad winner. Being a bad sport shows everyone there that you care more about being first than you do about enjoying the competition, so don’t do that. If you win at something, you deserve to be happy […]

Do not spit at people

Don’t spit at people. Definitely don’t spit at people and try to walk away like you think you’re some kind of boss. Absolutely don’t spit at people, try to walk away like you’re some kind of boss and then fall into a big pool of vomit, or you’ll really come across as a massive douche. […]

One way to absolutely certainly convince everyone you’re a massive douche is to become the prime minister of a modern first world country, deliver a budget that stomps on the poorest people in that country, and then smirk and wink as your citizens question you about the fact that they will no longer have the […]